Aptamil Formula Milk Stage-3 800gm

2800 Tk 2950 Tk



Preparation and Usage

A Pack Designed for You
Double safety strip
To be sure your formula has not been opened and retains its freshness
Scoop leveller
To get the dose just right
Scoop storer
To keep your scoop and hands out of the powder

Preparing Your Toddler's Drink
We recommend giving your toddler about 2 x 150ml beakers of Aptamil® Toddler Milk a day, as part of a varied, balanced diet. Aptamil Toddler Milk is specially formulated to help meet the increased nutritional needs of toddlers from 1 year onwards.
1 Beaker: No. of level scoops per drink (1 scoop = 5.0g): 5, Quantity of water per drink: 150 ml / 5 fl oz

Important: Always use the scoop provided, please note the colour of the scoop in this pack may change from time to time.
1 Water: Measure 150ml or 5fl.oz of boiled, cooled water into a clean beaker.
2 Powder: Using the scoop provided, add 5 levelled scoops of powder into the beaker. Do not press/heap the powder.
3 Shake: Place the clean lid on the beaker and shake straight away. For best results, shake vertically and vigorously for at least 10 seconds, until all of the powder is dissolved.
4 Check temperature and drink immediately.

Important feeding and storage advice
Make up each drink as required.
For hygiene reasons, do not store made up drinks, discard unfinished drinks as soon as possible, and always within 2 hours.
Do not heat drinks in a microwave, hot spots may occur and cause scalding.
Never add extra scoops or anything else to your toddler's drink.
Toddlers should be supervised at all times when feeding.

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